Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Time passes

Nothing spectacular - good or bad - to report. I prefer boring sometimes, so that's OK.

I spent a good portion of my holiday bonus check on a 22" HD flat screen monitor. So far it's making me very happy. Now I'm afraid I won't have any use for my precious laptop. I'm sure I can find some use for it.

Here is a photo that was taken within weeks of my finding out I had a brain tumor. Don't I look fit as a fiddle? It was only 5 months ago but it feels like a lifetime. I really miss my hair.

BTW, the scouting report on me is good glove, adequate arm, hits OK but not for power, more quickness than speed. But if I can get to it, I'll catch it.

I suppose an update on my treatment etc. is in order. The first week of December I did 5 days of 350mg/day of Temodar. (This dosage is nearly 3 times what I was taking while doing the radiation therapy.) So far what ill effects I've experienced have been I what I expected - fatigue. It set in a couple days after I stopped taking the Temodar and has let up only a little.

I always feel like a complainer since so far the only ill effect has been fatigue. Somewhere in my mind, "fatigue" = "lazy".

I'm feeling pretty good over all, but still not feeling anything like normal. One of the oncology nurses at the cancer center put it well: "The tincture of time". That's the only way past it. So I expect it's going to be summer before I can even think about feeling normal again. If that's what it takes, so be it.

Also, the next 11 movies on my Netflix queue are titles of one word, except for the first one - that one has a "The" at the beginning.

And since I'm now in a very good mood, here's a nice picture of some goats.