Friday, November 30, 2007

MRI Redux

The poobahs on Team Jeffrey have weighed in. They have seen the MRI and saw that it was good. Very good. In fact, one of them (Dr. Minehan, radiation oncology) said that there was no way it could be better. *applause*

Let me repeat that. He said, and I quote: "There is no way this MRI could be better." *long applause*

The aforementioned poobahs are Dr. James Novotny, medical oncologist; Dr. Kiernan Minehan, radiation oncologist; and Dr. Timothy Moynihan, medical oncologist at Mayo Clinic. They are unanimous that high fives are in order all around. *high fives all around*

(Can you tell that Team Jeffrey is very happy about these recent developments?)

My 2 medical oncologists agreed that a reasonable course to follow is to do 6 months of 350mg (!!) Temodar 5 days a month. What I'll probably do is dose the first Monday-Friday each month.

While we do the chemo, we'll be checking labs monthly. Gotta make sure the blood counts stay normal. My radiation oncologist wants to see a new MRI every 3 months for 2 years, every 6 months for 5 years after that, then a new one every year probably for the rest of my life.

Since I find myself talking about the rest of my life... For the first time in months, I feel like I can relax for a minute or two. There's a part of me that has been preparing me to accept that I could very well be done here in the next couple years. It's starting to look like a different outcome is more likely. *applause*

I'm not talking about not having a positive attitude; I think I've done alright with that. But those of you who know me won't be surprised to find out that I see myself as a fairly pragmatic person. I'm generally optimistic, but am by no means a "wish upon a star" kinda guy.

Things feel different now. As long as I'm asymptomatic (e.g. no seizures, killer headaches, etc) and the MRIs continue to come back clean, I'm going to plan on being around. *blank stares* Just kidding. *standing ovation*

Meanwhile, tonight let's celebrate all the folks out there who are working tirelessly to figure out this brain tumor thing. Like this guy, for instance.*

I read a lot about other people's experiences dealing with this particular ugliness and for many, many of them, it is heartbreakingly cruel. We need to make it go away.

To close, I'd like to share some goat footage.

*Now a $5 donation will get you an awesome wristband. I'm wearing one now and feel even sexier than normal.

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