Sunday, October 07, 2007

Still Alive

It's a new record. I haven't posted for 5 days. It's not like I have nothing to say - there's just no energy available to type it out. Wednesday I was all motivated to write a big long post about the evils of the pharmaceutical companies and how they have a profit motive to NOT cure things like cancer. (Did I mention I'm a little crazy lately?) When it was evening and time to write, it just it didn't seem all that important anymore. What was important was lying down.

The hair removal process is going swimmingly. I basically have a line down the center of my scalp that bisects the haired and the hairless. Someday soon I'll produce some photographic evidence.

Oh, here's some news. Lori ordered the sewing machine. Quite by accident she found out the deal was going to end on Thursday. If you check the ticker, you see we're still short of the price by about $300. We decided it was worth it to put the balance on a credit card in order to still get the box of goodies. So we're leaving the ticker up and any donations made will be used to retire that $300 on the credit card.

So a big thanks to everyone who contributed. The machine is on it's way!! Let's celebrate that!

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