Wednesday, August 29, 2007

That was good

My wife watches some regularly scheduled programming on the The Learning Channel and as a result, the last couple weeks I had been hearing some promos for something called Crazy Sexy Cancer. It was passing chatter in the ether and I think I took it in as something to do with astrology or something else to which I'd normally pay no nevermind.

It turns out it was a 2-hour documentary... well, here's what it says at the top of film's subject's blog:

Kris Carr (moi) is the director, producer and subject of The Learning Channel (TLC) documentary film "Crazy Sexy Cancer."

She tells her story (she calls it something like her "cancer adventure story") in an easily accessible style and it works really well. I'm sure it will be repeated numerous times on TLC at least. If you're inclined to these sorts of thing, it's well worth the time to track it down.

Of course with my current state of affairs, the subject matter was particularly of interest. It's very apparent that Kris was a pretty healthy girl when she was diagnosed. She looked swell and it was apparent when she got to the yoga part of her adventure, this yoga stuff was nothing new to her at all. As far as her cancer, it is a rare type that affects her liver and lungs and hardly spread at all once she had it. She has a very good prognosis to live a long time. She got married at the end of the film, for cryin' out loud.

Besides the obvious emotional connections with the film, there were some good practical elements that stood out, mostly lifestyle and diet. If Kris got into specific details regarding what her diet was exactly, I missed it. I did gather that she eats all whole foods with strong emphasis on macrobiotics. (Please don't quote me on this - these are my impressions.)

What really set off the bells for me was when she met this fellow who's whole deal is restoring the pH balance in the blood. These are the kinds of things I will be focused on. They just seem so self-evident and basic. I know I'm not the kind of person to go crazy trying every new possibility. Right now I'm thinking of basics... the things that will give me the big bang for the buck. Things like smoking cessation - obvious. Removing any obstacles that might keep my body from healing itself.

The more I look at Mr. Young's site, the less the original bells are ringing - he's feeling a little bit like a guru to me and my skepticism produces bells of it's own. That's OK. The point isn't any specific plan or person or holy grail. What I did lock into a bit more clearly tonight is my motivation and direction. That feels like winning today.

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