Sunday, September 09, 2007

Got a Dollar?

I'm still not quite sure how I feel about this, but I'm going to post this anyway.

Since all this stuff with cancer popped it's ugly head up in our universe, Lori has been working on getting herself hooked up again to start up her crafty/quilty business she used to have going. She's been working busily at getting several prototypes for products developed, labels for the new business name, etc.

This thinking and pragmatic wife of mine is realizing the unknown nature of what might happen with our financial future. Right now everything is relatively OK, but there are many outcomes that can change that drastically and suddenly. So she's been studying on developing a solid, reliable source of income to supplement the two sources of income we currently rely on.

Yesterday the one sewing machine upon which she has been relying, died. Truthfully, it hasn't been all that reliable all along. Bottom line is that we have decided to go for broke and buy the machine that she's long known she needs to make this business work.

I'll let her tell you the rest. She posted this while I was napping today. I know it was not easy for her to do this. She's always been a pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps kind of girl.

Feel free to spread that link around. It's only a dollar so the more the merrier.

Today I am celebrating my beloved wife and her indomitable spirit.

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